Travel with peace of mind for your family

Travel insurance is absolutely necessary! Do not go without it!

Why it is so important to buy Travel Insurance at the time of booking your trip?
Sometimes when we book travel, we forget about insurance but from personal experiences, I recommend it to all my clients when they book with me! If they say they already have coverage, I ask them to put it in writing that they do NOT wish to insure with me for their non-refundable expenses when I make the payment. Some believe that they are covered through their credit card and I advise them to call their bank and check on how much they are covered for as credit cards have a cap. We can then top it up with the rest so the client is fully covered.

Why have sleepless nights worrying about the money spent! If any unforeseen event occurs just before departure, there is no need to panic! I had a client in Vancouver, B.C. who refused to take travel insurance and a day before her cruise was to set sail to Alaska, she fell and broke her hip working in the garden. There is nothing we can do to retrieve the funds!

Within Canada, many travellers are unaware that breaking a limb in Ontario can still cost an arm and a leg and that travel insurance is strongly recommended for travel to other Canadian provinces.

RAMQ, the Regie de l’assurance maladie du Quebec recommend it. But 40% of travellers are unaware of this. I have had many clients say that insurance costs too much and that they would much rather save that amount, only to find that if an emergency strikes, they cannot cancel and therefore have to forfeit the sum paid.

For QUEBEC, not all medical expenses are covered elsewhere in Canada, and those that are covered are reimbursed at the rates paid by RAMQ in Quebec. Sometimes the difference is significant and if you do not have insurance, you have to pay it out of your own pocket. The QUEBEC health insurance card is sometimes accepted elsewhere in Canada. However, if a clinic or hospital refuses it, the patient must pay out of their own pocket and request reimbursement from RAMQ.

RAMQ does not cover everything. Services provided by a professional other than a physician (e.g. dentist or optometrist) and charges for a private room, an ambulance and medication are among the costs that are not covered. Furthermore, RAMQ reimburses medical expenses at Quebec rates.

Travel insurance does not just pay the bills, it also comes with 24/7 travel assistance that take care of coordinating everything in case of a problem.

My own experience in Tunisia when I fell and shattered my knee was a good example and I was happy to have an all inclusive insurance for international travel.  All I had to do was to call the toll free number in Canada of the company I was insured with and they took care of everything. They treated me with such care and professionalism, I have to remind all my clients - PLEASE DO NOT TRAVEL WITHOUT TRAVEL INSURANCE!

If you need more information, fill out the contact form on this site and I will be happy to advise you!